
This month ( February) we are going to talk about different animals. 

Noah's ark mural
I am going to introduce this topic by reading the book the Noah's ark

First week we are going to talk about Jungle animals Elephant, snake,giraffe,monkey,leopard

The elephant

Image result for elephant images


Learning the hissing sound that snake makes "ssss"


Giraffes are one of the world's tallest mammals. They are well known for their long necks, long legs, and spotted patterns.

The monkey

Learning about the colour of the monkey and what it eats!! banana :)

The leopard
Learning about the leopard pattern and colour and that animal's should be kept in their natural homes

Second week are going to talk about farm animals:
rabbit,cow,sheep,pig,hen duck.







Image result for hen
Image result for duck
Third week we are going talk about animals we keep at home (pets), dogs, cats, tortoise,birds.

Image result for tortoise


Fourth week we will learn too about sea animals Whale,octopus,jellyfish,different fish.
Image result for whale


different fish

We are also going to learn about Carnival

about valentines day .....



And about St Paul's shipwreck!!!!!!!!!

K4Q11L09 Shipwrecked-

 This month (January) we are going to learn about people who help us ( Nies li jgħinuna)

This topic is very important for children as they will learn about different jobs around us and to appreciate each work. We are going to learn about the teacher, policemen, doctor, fireman, construction worker, chef, farmer, postman, driver.

                           Teacher- L-għalliema

The teacher  teaches  children new things by using methods that children are attracted too such as puppets, stories,books,sand etc.
                                     Policeman- Puluzija
Image result for policeman role play

The policeman is always there to help us and to protect us when  we need him.

                                   Doctor- Tabib, Tabiba

   The doctor is there when we are sick and s/he gives us medicine to make us feel better.
                                                     Fireman- Pumpier

Image result for fireman role play
       The fireman puts off fire and makes sure that around us is safe.
                                         Construction worker
Image result for construction worker role play

   Construction workers work at every location where a building or structure is being built and have a variety of duties. Construction laborers help build bridges, new homes, highways, and stores. Laborers must usually be experienced, strong, and well trained to complete their work.

                                                Chef- Kok

Image result for chef role play

                    The chef cooks different meals  for us to eat.

                                                              Farmer- Bidwi
Image result for farmer costume for kids


 The farmer works hard to grow fruit, vegetables and animals for us.

                                                        Postman- Pustier
Image result for postman costume role play

                        The postman brings letters to our house.

                                                   Driver- Xufier

Image result for driver costume role play
  The driver takes us to school ,home and to other places we need to go.

This month (December) we are going to learn about ChristmasChristmas is the day when we celebrate the birth of Baby Jesus.

Image result for nativity
We will learn the Nativity story and discuss the love we should spread throughout the Christmas season and all through the year.

We will also discuss about Santa and his elves building our toys and checking the list to see that we were good children this year.

There are also the reindeers that with magic on Christmas night will fly high in the sky carrying Santa on his sleigh all around the world to give the presents to all the good girls and boys.

           This month (November) we are going to start learning about colours !

Week 1 - Blu - Bħas-sema u l-baħar

Related image

Song - Blu blu blu
           Is-sema u l-baħar blu
           Fis-Sajf kemm hu sabiħ 
           Għax m'hemm is-sħab jgħattih

Week 2 - Isfar-- Bħax-xemx
Song- Fjura safra
          Banana safra
ħax-xemx (x2)
          Anka il-fellus isfar (x2)
ħ minnhom
          Zgur li m'hemmx

Week 3 - Aħdar - Bħal-weraq

Song - Għandi dudu aħdar (x2)
           Isir farfett (x2)
           Jinzel fil-ġnien tiegħi (x2)
           Itir fuq nett (x2)

Week 4 - Aħmar - Bħat- tadam u l-frawli


Song - Aħmar kulur it-tadam u l-frawli                      
           Aħmar nofs il-bandiera tal- Maltin
           Aħmar daqs in-nar li jaħraq
           Kulur il-pepprin

This month we will also learn about shapes:

                               The first topic we are learning about is "Jien" (Myself).


                                                     Learning about being a boy or a girl

We will also discuss about our emotions --
Imdejjaq -- Meta nkun imdejjaq nibki :( --- Jew Ferhan -- meta nkun ferhan nidhak :)


Image result for body charts for children

We will discuss our body parts in Maltese -- wicci, ghajnejja, widnejja, halqi, mniehri, idejja, saqajja.


And we will discuss about hygiene at home and at school especially to wash hands before we eat and before and after we go to the toilet.

Image result for happy halloween

It's that time of the year when our classroom is full of pumpkins, friendly ghosts, bats and scarecrows!

During this topic, we are also going to discuss Halloween as a festival where we can all dress up just like Carnival and a good excuse to eat some yummy treats - always remembering not to exaggerate with sugar and eat healthily!

We are going to learn about Autumn and the changes in nature during this lovely season and the beautiful colours of the leaves falling from the trees.

Image result for autumn leaves kids red yellow orange and brown

Image result for autumn leaves kids

Check out our links page to find some online games you can play and there is also a fun activity to do at home related to this topic!!

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